PBJ Connections is a local 501(c)3 organization that provides equine-assisted psychotherapy to area at-risk youth and their families. Equine-assisted psychotherapy has a long history of success at helping youths who are at risk of falling through society's safety nets. PBJ Connections Inc. was founded as a 501(c) 3 charity in October of 2006 and has been serving area families since that time.
Our objective was to develop a complete brand identity, collateral and website for this young non-profit. We were asked to consider their various audiences when designing their brand to include clients (youth and parent), volunteers and donors.
One of our best advertising tools is our website. Over and over again I hear from people how wonderful our website is. In fact, several agencies have asked who designed ours because they liked it so much! I can confidently refer clients and professionals to our website for information and application materials and not once have I received a complaint. (Holly Jedlicka, PBJ Connections, July 2007)